Josephine recalled how her insides melted at his explanation and continued to melt in every fleeting moment she had with him since. No one seemed to appreciate this, but when Winter pushed the sun towards the horizon earlier than usual, its rays pierced the far conference room window to meet Max’s eyes. This meant end-of-day meetings would consist of Josephine pretending to take notes while she allowed herself to get lost diving in and out of Max’s honey-colored pools, which danced to the tune of the setting sun. Careful to avoid umber-colored flecks of glitter, she swam up to the edge to peer into his pupils and find truths even he hadn’t discovered about himself. Flickering between gold and deep amber hues, his eyes were savage sirens. Josephine ached for her body to belong to him. Inevitably, a disembodied laugh or loud crack of a pen falling onto the table would rip her from ecstasy back into the fluorescent corporate dungeon.