InCrush PublicationsbyF. Leonora SolomonChangingHe kissed her hands, he knew nothing scared her but he was scared.Aug 25, 20236186Aug 25, 20236186
In💯 stories challengesbyF. Leonora SolomonFeralFucking Red in the woods, being one with her and nature made him feel alive.Aug 10, 20231603Aug 10, 20231603
In💯 stories challengesbyF. Leonora SolomonLong Ever AfterThey did what they needed to survive, so that this would be their long ever after…Aug 7, 20233834Aug 7, 20233834
InWylde Erotic CravingsbyF. Leonora SolomonFlexYadira turned and looked at Flex. His mouth full of mirth – she knew what more it was capable of…Jul 9, 20233593Jul 9, 20233593
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonHer Own SecretsYadira had her own secretsJul 7, 20233041Jul 7, 20233041
InWylde Erotic CravingsbyF. Leonora SolomonEndless LoveHe would give his life for hers. He might have to.Jul 3, 20233492Jul 3, 20233492
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonTake Me Away“Take me with you Freddie!”Jul 2, 20231001Jul 2, 20231001
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonHe Saw Her LegsHe knew what he wanted to do….Jul 2, 20233501Jul 2, 20233501
InWylde Erotic CravingsbyF. Leonora SolomonTime to BreatheFreddie did nothing but love her to within an inch of her life and she longed for him.Jun 29, 20232503Jun 29, 20232503
InWylde Erotic CravingsbyF. Leonora SolomonFreddieCareful with his fangs, he utilized his long tongue to pleasure and draw out her sweetness.Jun 27, 20234684Jun 27, 20234684
InWylde Erotic CravingsbyF. Leonora SolomonHer WolfRed hustled through the forest. Yes, she knew about the wolf — she was running to him.Jun 26, 20237388Jun 26, 20237388