Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonSpecial DeliveryShe had spent every afternoon after his last delivery wanting to run her hands though his long hair.Mar 12, 20235Mar 12, 20235
In💯 stories challengesbyF. Leonora SolomonEd’s StoryHe had not been called Eddie since high school, but it sounded divine on Riley’s lips.Feb 20, 20225Feb 20, 20225
InMicrocosmbyF. Leonora SolomonVirtual CrushBe careful, you might get what you want, and you will wish you never met me.Jan 24, 20227Jan 24, 20227
In💯 stories challengesbyF. Leonora SolomonRiley’s StoryHe had wanted her.Feb 6, 20225Feb 6, 20225
In💯 stories challengesbyF. Leonora SolomonAudreyShe was not afraid of loss, so the stakes were always so high for her because they could be.Feb 8, 202211Feb 8, 202211