Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It… (2/18 thru 2/24) It is so important to feel.❤️Feb 26, 20244Feb 26, 20244
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It… (2/26 thru 3/3)Consider it a sexy favor…Mar 4, 20243Mar 4, 20243
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It… (2/11 thru 2/17) — L❤️ve Week!That my dear, was just the tip of the iceberg…he texted.Feb 19, 20243Feb 19, 20243
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It… (2/4 thru 2/10) — 700 Stories on Medium Edition!!!I did not even realize I had finished my 700th story on Medium!Feb 11, 20244Feb 11, 20244
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It… (1/21 thru 1/27)Wrote some of the most romantic stories I have ever writtenJan 29, 20241Jan 29, 20241
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It … (1/14 thru 1/20)I really love a good writing prompt! Jan 21, 2024Jan 21, 2024
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It… (12/31 thru 1/6)Let’s ring in the new year!!!Jan 7, 20244Jan 7, 20244
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonIn Case You Missed It … (1/7 thru 1/13)It’s nice to see what I have written and share with you.❤️Jan 14, 20242Jan 14, 20242