In💯 stories challengesbyF. Leonora SolomonTouchdownBy the time he stood in front of her, she was silent. Her breath was as loud as her heartbeat.Mar 26, 20222Mar 26, 20222
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonFlashSable looked at the screen of her MacBook with a live Paul, and then glanced at the picture of him that he had texted her earlier. It was…Nov 8, 20202Nov 8, 20202
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonERUPTIONShe liked to watch him.Nov 5, 20203Nov 5, 20203
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonSetting the StageRunning her fingers along her clavicle, Sable felt the urge that spread through her like a fever. She knew that she was going to have to…Nov 4, 20202Nov 4, 20202
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonULTIMATE PEEP SHOWShe had not told him that she had gotten a flight so she could be there for his birthday.Oct 29, 20202Oct 29, 20202
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonULTIMATE PEEP SHOWWhen Sable appeared on his screen, he could taste her.Oct 28, 20203Oct 28, 20203
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonMEETING PAUL“Have a Smooth as Sable,” Ralph offered as soon as the man in the business suit sat down.Oct 27, 20202Oct 27, 20202
Ininside the erotic writerbyF. Leonora SolomonSABLEHe bit his lip at the same time she did and thought this was so much better than Face Time!Oct 27, 20204Oct 27, 20204